
Thursday, May 26, 2005

CBS News Poll

Six in ten Americans say the president does not share their priorities, while just 34 percent say he does.

Overall, slightly more Americans (48 percent) disapprove of the job the president is doing than approve (46 percent).

Asked to name the most important problem facing the country, 19 percent of those polled cited the economy, 19 percent the war in Iraq, 7 percent terrorism and 5 percent Social Security.

Although he's spent months on the road campaigning for Social Security reform, Mr. Bush still gets only a 26 percent approval rating for his handling of the issue and the public remains skeptical about his signature plan for private Social Security accounts.

Although a slim majority of Americans, 52 percent, now say the economy is in good shape, Mr. Bush's approval rating on the economy is just 38 percent – a slight increase since last month. Approval of the president's handling of Iraq remained virtually unchanged at 38 percent. But after another violent month, a majority of Americans, 57 percent, again say things there are going badly for the U.S. in Iraq; 41 percent say things are going well.



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